Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Whatever It Takes, hunny! whatever it takes...

Told you time apparates.

It is the tenth of Ramadhan already. I am still here in Pekan waiting for my hubster to come back from work. * He works offshore and that means 2 weeks for us and the other 2 weeks are dedicated to breadwinning. Sebab tu la 2 minggu die lupe daratan. Hahahah.LOL!

Sabar. Yerp. Ramadhan is not only about abstaining oneself from eating and drinking and it also teaches me to be patience all the time especially in sticky situations. It is hoped that this Ramadhan would bring all the joy to the world!

For the past 2 months, I had to directly breastfed Azalea when she out of the blue just refused her formula milk. I didn't have any explanations to support this phenomenon. I was clueless. The fact that she is not an exclusively breastfed baby made me puzzled even more! * She was fully breastfed until she reached 2 months old only. What a bummer!

I knew that I was in the dire need of finding an alternative to breast milk long before the arrival of Ramadhan. I exactly knew that I would be in the shortage of milk supply during Ramadhan. I procrastinated, again. I put the blame on you, mr. P!

I searched high and low for the best formula milk to substitute Mamex Gold. I did some research and Enfalac A+ came across. Of course, "Research is a must" kata Takim. It is always a brilliant move to search for online forums that discuss our subjects of interest. By taking in all the pros and cons that are virtually articulated, those discussions would thereby aid us immensely in our decision-making to finally come out with the best verdict.

Setelah berkoyan2 input along with a few testimonials from friends who feed their babies with this FM, we have chosen Enfalac A+ as our alternative. Azalea's officially an Enfalac A+ baby now. This is just an alternative I must say, I still breastfeed her directly at night and whenever the demand arises.

I know it is quite pricey. Tapi, I see this as some sort of a make up for not being able to exclusively breastfeed her for 2 years. Nevertheless, deep down inside my heart I know that this is not a sufficient redemption at all and it aint gonna make up the loss, sistah! Because of this hubs and me promise ourselves to give Azalea only the best! The best of everything so as to redeem all the nourishment that she has missed out! Insyaallah.


  1. Hadif mmg minum Enfalac A+ since dia stop bf. Memang sedih kan bila tengok milk production kita tak macam org lain..Harap sangat boleh bf scr eksklusif utk next baby...

  2. So, every thing ok ke?azalea baru 3 kali minum sebab awal2 pose dulu aku period so bole breastfeed aje.pose2 ni susu pon sket sbb makan tak macam biase kot ehhh.Insyaallah la next time kan.

  3. at first, hadif susah nak poo2..dia akan poo 2 hari sekali..dah jumpa Pead, katanya normal..kalo dah 8 hari tak poo2 baru tak far alhamdulillah, after bg solid food, sehari 2 3 kali dia berry..btw, according to paed, enfalac is the best FM in msia. sbb dia ckp nutrition yg ada dlm tu adalah yg terbaik selepas susu ibu..

  4. mak oi..paed tu cakap macam tu.Mak aku ckp malaysian punye health policy xbg doktor2 recommend FM.heheheh.tapi bagus gak paed tu ckp macam tu.hahahah.all in all, kena tgk keserasian baby jugak kan.alhamdulillah azalea ok.tetiba je tanak mamex dah plak.

  5. aku jumpa paed private..fhm2la kan.infact dalm bilik dia penuh display susu enfalac,..susu mamex pun ada gak skit...

  6. hahaha.dah agak dah.tapi kitorg jumpa paed private gak (ampang puteri).jumpa dgn dr yg jaga die after delivery punye process aritu, die tadek la plak recommend any fm.maybe ampang puteri is a baby frenly punye hosp diorg takleh favour mane2 fm kena promote ebm je sampei sudeh agaknye.tapi obstetrician aku yg aku jumpe mula2 tu yg register aku dlm enfaclub.sah2 die dapat something dr enfa kot ehh?hahahaha
